Monday, February 7, 2011


I have chosen to use a Web 2.0 tool called Glogster.  Glogster is an interactive poster that students can use to post their ideas, videos, podcasts, or just about anything creative they want. I will be using it as an aid in helping me to present or to lecture new topics to my basic math class. For example, instead of showing power point slides on an overhead projector, I can print the slides out, hand them to the students, and allow them to create a lesson using Gloster.

Posters on various math topics using Glogster

In order to get started with Glogster, a teacher must register for his/her own account.  This allows them to create posters as well as monitor student activity.


  1. Glogster looks like a really cool tool, Brigitte! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to check out to see about their educator accounts. It looks like you can get up to 50 student accounts with the free account - which is more than enough for me.

    I'm thinking that this would be an amazing resource for science fairs!

  2. Glogs look like an awesome alternative to your typical slide show presentation! As a computer teacher, this is definitely a site that I will share with my students right away. PowerPoint is great, but it is nice to have other choices. I know I used to love making poster boards, and this seems like an updated method for creating such. Even if you have more than 50 students, it wouldn't hurt to have them work in groups to create their glogs I guess.

    Great post, Brigitte!

  3. Brigitte, I think this would be a great site for educators. I like how an educator is able to monitor the student activity. I will be looking at this because it would be another choice to presentations that students can present.

    Cool site
